Wine & Wine... & Politique
Wine & Wine….& Politique
In classical Greek culture, wine was the staple around which philosophy, art, poetry, religion, music and political life revolved.
Is Opus One a Great Wine?
I hold this Interrogation and this feeling thought
comes from my private space where only I enter.
It is my cellar where my dreams spread or fly with
the aroma of a good party and where natural
elegance is never run over. Where the snobbish
economic factor that is raised on the masts of the
Embassy of Ignorance, will never be invited even
for an analysis of the equation costs versus
benefits. Neither will the guardian of my cellar let
this entity enter.
A wise and well-known winemaker told me that
wines are sensitive to alien aromas. Foreign to
their nature and can spoil a creation where
Mother Nature can never repeat the same
conditions that led to create that unique work of
art. The beauty of this wine, its genuine quality
cannot be manufactured in a laboratory, much
less with a computer or manipulative algorithm.
Mama Mercedes, my Mrs. Mama, felt an
indescribable pleasure for this Opus One. The
Opus One 1979-1980-1981 and 1984 were her
favorites.And before leaving this World, She felt
that 2016 would be one of the Greats.
Mercedes was not wrong about the Opus One
Year 2016, judging by the price per bottle today in
this 2022.
Lovers of Wine today value, on the retail market
more than a Thousand Dollars per Bottle of Opus
One of the year 2016. This value does not make
me sleepy and not because I am a billionaire. I
already state my case over this point above,
“Collectors of materialistic values make me sad
and bore my existence”.
“I am Capitalist”. And I fit myself into a
definition I heard very recently: “The heart of
American capitalism is a simple idea: open and
fair competition”, by Joe Biden.
Biden declares himself a firm “proud capitalist” but
said that he wants to “ensure our economy isn’t
about people working for capitalism, it’s about
capitalism working for people”.
Forty years ago we chose the wrong path, in my
view, a date that would correspond with the
beginning of Ronald Reagan's presidency. It is
interesting to observe that in those same days of
Ronald Reagan as a President of the USA, it was
the end of the Berlin Wall as a symbol of a defeat
of the communist system.
Unfortunately, as a
result of the end of an era, the "Pax Americain"
was unleashedWe are now 40 years into the
experiment of letting giant corporations acquire
more and more power, Biden said, and charged
that the result has been slower economic growth
and a declining standard of living.
I believe the experiment has failed, and here my
thoughts join with permission, on the words of Mr.
President Biden.
I want to move to another angle of this story,
which will never be alien to what I have been
writing paragraphs above. I want to move to
another angle of this story, which will never be
alien to what I have been writing paragraphs
above. Where I cross the bridge where the good
word Politics meets the world of Good Wine.
In classical Greek culture, wine was the staple
around which philosophy, art, poetry, religion,
music and political life revolved. Wise men drink
wine to expand their minds and praise the gods.
Wine was a staple of the Spartan diet, but they
rarely drank to excess and often cautioned their
children against drunkenness. In some cases,
they would even force Helot slaves, between free
men and slaves, to get wildly inebriated as a way
of showing young Spartans the negative effects of
In Conclusion, Homo Sapiens, Female or Male,
both are natural politicians from the moment the
first breaths of air enter into their lungs. And
although we strive to find what will never be
found, day and second of the first breath of the
existence of the universes, I would not put a
Calendar on Wine either, unless it was to find a
specific turn around the Sun that was exceptional
and the one that will have no similar in all eternity.
My Cut.
Wine is one of the most valuable Live Organic
Beverages in all the Universes. Obviously and
without it being a sin alcohol is in its chemical
structure as is the latter in countless elements in
Whoever eats a beef steer beyond the
capacity of each human organism, this will not
have a good outcome. With wine the same rule
applies. The art of good drinking or eating, passes
much more for the quality of origins, sizes and
portions, than for the quantity.
Always “The YOUNG NEW" generations of
human beings fall into the same trap, where
quantity without judging quality along with
space, time and speed, is irrelevant.
Both adjectives, quantity and quality, are
essential within the coexistence of existence
itself, with the infinite and eternal evolution, if you
allow me the redundancy. The balanced
association of both is a sine-kua-non condition.
Good Wine has essential partners!. With the
sole exception of one, The Human Being.
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