
Showing posts from November, 2021

Alea Iacta Est. (English)

Alea Iacta Est.  The Die is Cast. There is no way back! In general, the greater or lesser possibility of having had a good primary or secondary education in our lives, contributes to marking the pros and cons that characterize the unique and indivisible essence of our existence as rational beings... or not? The Economy, whatever it is and has been since its inception, and continues to be a career that billions of men and women do not lose sleep over, although sometimes we observe it when we feel that something is not going as well as it should be!  According to Who? Several of us wonder!!   Beyond the fact that the prices of basic goods and services soar, it is wise to say that we do not put aside, observe with greater interest, within the equation Cost vs. Benefits, other condiments or spices, which aromatizes us in the conclusion that something is not going well! As for example, the pandemic, or the meeting in Glasgow, Scotland, the COP26 Summit that brings togeth...

Alea Iacta Est. (Español)

Alea Iacta Est. La suerte esta echada.  No hay  vuelta atrás!  En general, la mayor o menor posibilidad de haber tenido una buena educación primaria o secundaria en nuestras vidas, contribuye a marcar los pro y los contras que caracterizan la esencia única e indivisible de nuestra existencia como seres racionales……. o no?. La Economía , sea lo que sea y haya sido desde su creación, y continúe  siendo una carrera que a billones de hombres y mujeres, no nos quita el sueño, a veces la observamos cuando sentimos que algo no anda tan bien como debiera andar!!.  ¿Según quien?, varios nos preguntaríamos!! Más allá de que los precios de los bienes y servicios básicos se disparen, es sabio decir que no dejamos de lado, observar con mayor interés, dentro de la Ecuación Costo vs. Beneficios , otros condimentos o especias, lo que nos aromatiza en la conclusión de que algo…… no va bien !! Como por ejemplo, la pandemia, o el encuentro en Glasgow, Escocia, la cumbre COP26 qu...

¡Quiero dar la Cara!

¡Quiero dar la Cara!  What is Stoicism... The Last Frontier!! In its beginning, Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium in Athens in the early 3rd century BC. It is a philosophy of personal eudaimonic virtue ethics informed by its system of logic and its views on the natural world. Thinkers, true philosophers , have evolved the morphological interpretation of the definition of Stoicism. Today it is affirmed that it is the philosophical doctrine that practices the search for balance using virtue and reason before the passions that disturb life, essentially the negatives takes over the environment. As such, its object is to achieve the daily joy of living and wisdom , serenely eliminating the enslaving need to protect with life itself, material comforts, goods and fortunes never essential.  Through the philosophy of Stoicism, we can travel to the infinite and eternal Last Frontier , which we will never reach, but certainly we will enjoy the ...